Rachel Stanislawczyk is a graduate of Rutgers University, where she earned her Ed.M in Dance Education with a K-12 teaching certification, and Virginia Commonwealth University, where she earned her B.F.A in Dance and Choreography. Rachel is the Director and Founder of the Dance for Parkinson’s Program at American Repertory Ballet: a program for people diagnosed with PD and their caregivers. As Director, she has presented at The Parkinson’s Foundation’s Moving Day NJ, Dr. Jill M. Giordano Farmer’s PD Education Conference, The American Parkinson’s Disease Association’s Annual Spring Conference, and The Parkinson’s Alliance’s 5K Team Parkinson Run. In 2017, Stanislawczyk progressed from an intern to a lead teacher of the Mark Morris Dance Group (MMDG) Dance for PD® program, where she taught classes at MMDG, New York University, and Ballet Academy East. Currently, Stanislawczyk is a full-time dance educator at Abraham Clark High School, and performs professionally with Rock Dance Collective.