(Updated as of June 15, 2023 and subject to change)

American Repertory Ballet (ARB) and Princeton Ballet School (PBS) remain focused on protecting the health and safety of our community.

Since March 2020, ARB/PBS has been implementing best known practices understood and proven to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The following guidelines have been developed in consultation with medical experts, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state and local health officials, and other guidelines that have been researched specific to our field of operation.

ARB/PBS safety guidelines and policies are continually reviewed by Jeffrey Grosser, Princeton Deputy Administrator for Health and Community Service.

While our organization is not able to fully eliminate risk due to COVID-19, we aim to keep students, families, and our employees as safe as possible. We continue to evaluate our processes, adapt as needed, and want to emphasize the shared responsibility of our community as we continue to operate safely.



Check 1: Before arriving at the studio each day, parents/guardians should conduct a wellness and temperature check. All students should remain home if they are not feeling well or have a fever of 99.5 or higher.

Parents and guardians are required to report any symptoms of illness and keep their symptomatic child(ren) home. Any student showing symptoms of illness will not be allowed to enter any ARB/PBS facility. If symptoms or illness occur on site during the day, students should tell the teacher immediately.


Any UNVACCINATED person that has been informed that they may have been exposed to COVID-19 within the last 14 days should stay home and test 5 days after the date of known exposure.

Any VACCINATED person that has been informed that they may have been exposed to COVID-19 within the last 14 days may return to the studio if they remain asymptomatic, fully masked at all times, and test 5 days after the date of known exposure.


If you test positive for COVID-19, you must stay home even if you are up-to-date on your COVID-19 vaccinations, have no symptoms and/or were recently (within the last 90 days) infected and recovered. You may not return to a PBS facility until all of the following are true:

  • At least five (5) days have passed since the day your symptom(s) started AND
  • You no longer have a fever, AND
  • Your other symptoms are getting better, AND
  • You can show proof of a negative test result 5-10 days after you tested positive.
You must stay home for five (5) full days after your positive test, even if you do not have symptoms.

If you become symptomatic after you test positive, you must stay home for five (5) full days after the start of symptoms. If you are unable to test, or if you choose not to test, you can end isolation and return to PBS after day ten.

Any student with a confirmed positive test must report it by emailing [email protected].


Face masks are welcomed, but not longer required.


Students should arrive wearing their dance attire.

Princeton Studio Location:

Please do not wait in your car in the circle. The circular driveway is only used to drop off and pick up when it does not block the flow of the Shopping Center traffic. Parents are encouraged to park in the parking lot.

Cranbury Studio Location:

There is ample parking in the back of the studio. The door on Main Street will not be open.

New Brunswick Location:

Metered parking is available, or parents may park in a nearby lot and walk students to the main entrance.

Visitors, family and/or friends, will not be allowed in the School lobby or studio areas. Only authorized employees and students may enter to minimize the number of people in the facility


All students must follow ARB/PBS Safety Guidelines to help protect the health of our School students, families, employees, and the greater community.

Questions or concerns?

Please contact:

Julie Diana Hench, Executive Director [email protected] (732) 249-1254 x16